These three children from the same family in Kurunagar, became blind afterplaying with a sea mine-2 boys and a girl. Their father who is a fishermanbrought a device from the sea9 got caught in the fishing net), when he wentfor fishing in 1994.Their mother cleaned and washed this device in warmwater. And the children started to play with it for three months. One day15 years old Raveendrabalan Lembert Raveendran hit the sea shells with thisdevice and it exploded. He lost his right hand elbow and his lefteyesite. His elder brother lost his right eyesight and his younger sister Mary Stella Raveendrabalan lost both her eyesight and toes.
Raveendrabalan Gnanseelan (17 Years), Raveendrabalan Lembert Raveendran (15years) and their sister Mary Stella Raveendrabalan (13years).

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